
Chilean Sea Bass with Lemon Caper Butter

Today, I want to share a recipe for one of the most delicious fish dishes I’ve ever made–Chilean Sea Bass with lemon caper butter sauce. The Chilean Sea Bass is also known as the Patagonian toothfish.  It’s a deep-water species found in the southern ocean near Antarctica.  It was first marketed in the United States by Chileans, resulting in the regional name, but it’s not really a bass and doesn’t always come from Chilean waters.  The United States is still a significant consumer of this fish, importing about half of the legally sanctioned global catch each year.  Unfortunately, the Chilean Sea Bass is quite a controversial fish as it is very slow-growing and the population cannot keep up with the current global demand. While governments have implemented regulatory limits, illegal fishing still threatens the species.  You have to make the decision for yourself as to whether you want to try this fish, but I am sure glad I did as it is exquisite. When it’s available at Costco or the local fish house, I would choose this one over any other fish I’ve ever tried. It literally melts in your mouth and is one of the best seafood dishes I have ever made. 

For this dish, season the fish with some salt and pepper and let it sit on the counter for about 30 minutes. Next, sauté the fish in olive oil for 4-5 minutes on each side until flaky. Remove the fish from the pan.  Add lemon juice and capers to the pan to deglaze it. Add butter and let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes. Drizzle the sauce over the fish and serve it with your favorite sides (e.g., white rice and blanched asparagus). It really can’t get much easier than that!  So, next time you want an amazingly flavorful, tender fish for dinner, give this one a try. You will not be disappointed! Enjoy!

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