
Homemade English Muffins

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share this simple, amazing recipe with you. I can’t take credit for it because I happened to stumble upon it one day. I have always loved English Muffins. I mean what’s not to love, with all the amazing nooks and crannies to lock in the butter and or jam!  Makes me hungry just thinking about it. My wife has never really cared for English muffins, so when I stumbled upon this recipe, Homemade English Muffins Recipe (No Knead) | Bigger Bolder Baking, I asked if she would try them. She said, of course. So, I made the muffins, following the recipe to a T. They came out even better than I could have hoped for—So soft and delicious!  Perfect for butter, jam, or eggs Benedict. My wife fell in love with them. She said they were the best she’d ever had!  Assuming we get to have any. My kids eat them faster than I can make them!

The reason I say it’s so easy is because all you have to do is mix some flour, yeast, sugar, salt, melted butter, and water together until all ingredients are combined. Then, leave it in the bowl covered with plastic wrap and a towel in a warm place overnight and they are ready to be made into perfect little English muffins. Leaving it overnight allows the mixture to ferment in a way. Next, roll it onto a floured surface and shape into a rectangle. Cover it again and let rest for an hour or so. Then, cut them into desired shapes and let them rest (covered) on a baking sheet for another hour. Finally, heat a skillet over medium low heat. Add several muffins at a time and cover with lid. Cook for about 3-5 minutes per side and voila, you have perfect English Muffins ready to serve! This recipe is well worth the time involved. I hope you enjoy!

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